I think they turned out pretty darn cute. I sewed 18 Trick or Treat bags total, but that's not all; I also sewed my costume. It's a little bit bigger than I wanted, but it was fun to wear. :-)
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all...
Someday my prince will come...

Here are some of my tater tots all dressed up and adorable.

I'm getting ready to go hand out Halloween candy and go to a big kids party, and Snow White just will not do... I'm not anything sexy, but I am really scared of my costume. Inspired by some of the toys in my classroom, here is a prop I threw together. Any guesses?
Eeeeek! A waitress!
I sewed so much this week, I even bought another sewing machine. But it will totally be worth it... Sew stay tuned.
Happy Halloween everyone!
Be safe!