March 27, 2009

Same, But Different

Yes, I have been wearing skirts around town. Today it was Skirt 32, but two weeks ago I wore Skirt 42. Today's post goes back two weeks, because it was almost the same events exactly,  except for two things... 

1) The business meeting:

Skirt 42 two weeks ago.

I'm having what I call a "Come to Jesus moment" here.

And Skirt 32 today...

I have a partner, she's wearing the red heels...

Watch out Dallas!

2) Le Art:
Skirt 42, two weeks ago at CADD for the opening of FLASH: PHOTOGRAPHY FROM DALLAS GALLERIES.

On view until April 23, it's a great show with a variety of photos and artists represented by dealers here in Dallas. Here I stand in front of my favorite pieces, which are by French photographer Cédric Delsaux. If you love Star Wars, urban scenes and great photography check out his work.

Tonight, I wore Skirt 32 to the Frontiers of Flight Museum for Think! An exhibition that features Dallas ISD student artwork through March 31;

And, at the Latino Cultural Center.

Kickin' it with my free goodie bag from Maseca.
Photo by Gen.

The LCC had an opening for the exhibition Dichos: Words to Live, Love and Laugh By in Latin America. This show made me miss Mexico, and inspires me to return sooner, rather than later. I'd love to capture some of the tacky bus art that made my daily routines so exciting and unique. It wasn't just the decorations or Santos/milagro paintings on the buses that remains so inspiring, it was the human interaction and people that rode the bus; I saw some amazing things. We're studying Mexico at the pre-school, and I think that makes me miss it so much more. I can close my eyes and feel the sun, hear the sounds, and see the steps I took around Banderas Bay... I'm free in two months, and have been invited back to visit/stay for a while by friends, all I have to do is buy my ticket. 
Going back to PV would be good for me, and well deserved, but it all depends on my schedule. I have lots of different balls up in the air, lots of different hats that I am trying on, and many skirts to wear. We'll see...

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