April 1, 2009

April Fools

I can't believe it's already April! I've been such a slacker about my posts, but it's a new month and I can change all that...
The weather has been changing here like crazy, 80 one day and then in the 30s the next. That's Texas for you. It seems to have stabilized, but I have a cold now. Ugh!

I got a decent night's sleep last night, I was dreaming of satin and lace dresses, high heels, big cities and polka dots...
Polka dots?

I'm taking my cue from my dreams, I'm wearing a skirt I haven't worn before.

Yes, it has polka dots.

A close up view with part of my breakfast:

I've got the HOLE world in my hand.

This skirt is another gift from Marianne. It's Fossil and super cute with the colorful ric-rac trim at the bottom. Plus, I like that it's a springy yellow.

How to make a piñata:
These are all the supplies that I used to make our class piñata.
From left to right:
1) Newspaper to catch the mess and more cut into 2" x 6" strips used to paper-mâché.
2) 6 party hats
3) Masking tape
4) 1 round ballon
5) Foam brushes
6) Elmer's White Glue for the paste mixture: 1 part water to 2 parts glue
7) Small tub, or bowl for the mixture

Step 1) Wrap the party hats around the balloon. I used tape to hold the hats in place.

Step 2) Using the paste mixture (2:1, glue to water ratio) wet the surface area of the form. Apply the strips of paper, and cover the strips with the paste mixture.

This piñata gets 6 hats, or points. Actually, one kid told his mom that the piñata had lots of horns.

Step 3) Now, let's set this baby up to dry...

Day 2:
Painting the piñata:

Woah, this is getting crazy messy!

Step ?) After the piñata dries, attach streamers to the end of each horn and cover with fringed tissue paper.


Later that evening, my new skirt and I went to watch my kiddos in a soccer game..

G O   T O R N A D O E S !!!

My evening ended with a lovely dinner at Tei An in One Arts Plaza.
The curried short ribs were so tender, like down pillows... Now I know how beef should be cooked.

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