March 24, 2009


It's back to work this week. It's always tough to go back after a nice break, especially after a short va-cay. (Austin was great, BTW ~ I hope to post more pictures later today.)

As soon as I got back into town, I went to Target to pick up somethings and saw this very cute skirt. 

I tried not to get it, really I did. 
"How many black skirts do I need?" I asked myself.

The answer: one more.

It's Mossimo®, and called the Black Tiered Ruffle Skirt. It's super cute on, and should be a fun skirt for Spring and Summer. It makes me feel good, and therefore uplifting. And with all of the tiered ruffles, uplifting x 20!

Also uplifting:

The music and sounds of Andrew Bird.

I saw him in concert Sunday night, and it was A M A Z I N G !!!!! 
(I wish I had a better word to describe the show. That, and a better camera.) Bird's voice is so soothing, with a melancholy mix of whimsey and wonder. He whistled, sang, played guitar, xylophone, and violin for over an hour and a half. I watched him in amazement and was inspired, because this man has got IT. He is an extremely talented musician. He's not mainstream yet, but I can imagine reading about him decades later. He is a talented artist, and I felt extremely lucky to be in his presence.

Andrew Bird is the perfect listen for mopey Mondays, like yesterday.
Check out Andrew Bird here...
You'll be glad you did.

1 comment:

  1. funny you say decades later on Mr. Andrew Bird cause I saw him about ten years ago in LA with Howe Gelb and Kristin Hersh.....maybe THIS will be his decade!
