Skirt 14 or Mariposas, has been featured before on Skirt Project. I wore it last May, and it's hard to believe that was 5 months ago. I love today's skirt, it's from Target and full of butterflies (mariposas). It used to be my only skirt with butterflies, but now it is one of many... :)
I still think butterflies are a symbol of change and metamorphosis. I like the idea of something NOT so beautiful turning into something beautiful. It's nature's real life Ugly Duckling story, and there are so many mariposas here in Mexico. Big ones, small ones and they are all so colorful! I'm still waiting for one to come and land on me. Not that I'm superstitious or anything ;-), but I've always heard, or believed that that was good luck. While I am here in Mexico, I would like to visit the Santuario Mariposa Monarca, the winter resort for (millions!) of migratory butterflies. Can you imagine? Millions of monarchs!
This skirt belongs to our art history teacher. She bought it in Boca de Tomatlan, which is about 10 miles south of Vallarta. I love the petticoat under the skirt, tres chic! She said she bought it because the design reminded her of Matisse's cut outs.
Boo! We made fantasmas with our feet in nursery today.
After school I went to a salon and got a French pedicure. It's about time and it was nice and relaxing... I had white paint all over my feet from my play date.
Later that night, at the first Art Walk of the season...
There are some graffiti artists leaving their mark around Vallarta... This is a small portion of a long wall and one of about three works around town that I have seen so far... good stuff. Different.
At Thierry Blouet Fine Art Collection, right across from Café des Artistes. From what I understand, Café des Artistes is one of the best restaurants in Vallarta. Maybe I can check it out during the Gourmet Festival in November 2007...
F.Y.I. ~ There are 15 galeries that participate in Art Walk.
Other places I checked out this evening:
Galeria Omar Alonso
Galerie des Artistes
This is my friend Liv. She teaches drama at our school.
She's wearing a skirt similar to Skirt 22, except she's wearing hers as a dress.
Well if I had known they had a Mexican pedicure, I never would have gotten the French!
These festive Dia de los Muer~"toes" belong to artist Karen Wight.
I went to a great coffee shop last night that is in mi colonia: Cafe Canela. It's not Murray Street, but it's here...
Here's to new beginnings and metamorphosis!
Happy Birthday Gigi! I love and believe in you!
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