See what I mean about the bus???
This is the 71st skirt that I have worn... It's a new one that I bought in the States before I moved to Mexico. Not that I needed a new skirt... I bought it for several reasons:
1. It's red jewel toned color
2. The silk fabric
3. It has pockets
4. It's a bubble skirt
5. It was on sale.
I'm wearing today's skirt for several reasons too...
1. The Red Sox won last night and are going to the finals! yay! ;-)
2. I'm expecting some big, good news from Boston today too.
3. For my love.
I'm staying in the love bubble today.
Getting ready for the Halloween Festival at school. We made papier-mache soon-to-be jack-o-lanterns in 5th grade today. What a mess! My hands are orange from the papel crepé. Some parents liked it, "soon these will be sold in all the boutiques in Vallarta..."
hee hee
Meet Jack:
The cutie I got to get photographed with. I miss my dog Moxie. Soon I'm going to write about the dogs of Mexico...
Jack's owner saw me taking skirt shots in front of this advertisement. I like the message...
(Except that he's wearing pants...)
When Ms. Johnson, my high school English teacher, would assign an essay, she always responded to the question, "How long should it be?" with this great quote that belongs on this blog. . .
"It should be like a lady's skirt,
short enough to be interesting, but long enough to cover the subject."
Good to have skirtproject back...
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