How could something SARONG be so right?
I have not worn today's skirt since 2003. I know this because that's the year that I was teaching English Language Arts at a middle school here in Dallas. I noticed that there was a tiny tear in the fabric and I reluctantly retired my beautiful skirt. I’ve been too self-conscious to wear it and too lazy to repair it ever since. Though I wonder how many people will actually notice? Since that time, it has doubled as a tablecloth, but for the most part sat in my closet reminding me of another time and place...
I bought this skirt in Madrid, summer of 2000. I think the fabric is so beautiful. I love the gold and aubergine plaid silk and the intricate design at the bottom. It reminded me of the Spanish Demascene jewelry created by artisans in Toledo. It took me about four hours to convince myself to buy this skirt, I already had a suitcase full of clothes from Spain. But, I knew if I didn’t buy it I would regret it… I can’t throw this skirt away.
That summer is best summed up in one of two songs by Belle and Sebastian, A Summer Wasting from album The Boy with the Arab Strap.
“I spent the summer wasting,
The time was passed so easily.
But if the summer's wasted
How come that I could feel so free?
I spent the summer wasting,
The sky was blue beyond compare.
A photograph of myself
Is all I have to show for
Seven years of river walkways,
Seven weeks of staying up all night.”
Holy Moley! My skirt is done-sky. Either I was a little rough in my skirt or the fabric is really delicate...
I will not get rid of it though, I will repurpose... Maybe pillows, maybe a mini??? Either way, time to dust off the old Singer.
So, now that I am about to be unemployed, I gotta get started on My Summer Wasting. Enjoying a glass of wine at Murray Street Coffee Shop... hmmm, maybe they need some part-time help?
I met up with my friend Adina... we are planning to take over the world! xXx! Soon everyone will know the power of happiness...
A detailed shot of the bottom of my skirt, and my grodie feet... I need a pedicure. And some rainboots... I'm jelous of Adina's.
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