November 2, 2009

All Saints Day and the USA

Yesterday was All Saints Day. I'm not sure what that means here in Belgium, but from what I remembered of my time in Mexico, it's a day to go to cemeteries and honor loved ones who've passed. The only cemetery that I know of here in Leuven is at Park Abbey. I came across it a few days ago, and blogged about it here. Park Abbey was open for a tour yesterday, so we hopped on our bikes to check it out. I'll post more about our tour later this week, I took WAY too many photos in awe and inspiration. The history that is in this town is AMAZING!

A memorial inside Park Abbey.

Spooky trees.

There is some hint of Halloween here, but not much.

I found this popcorn & candy-corn hand,
Gooey caramel apples,
And Pippy Long Stockings next to Michael Jackson.
These sites made me miss home a bit.

I was hungry for just a taste:
So, I made the best of it.

Bon appétit!

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