January 18, 2008

Freezing Skirt 43: for my boys up North

Yesterday was the birthday of one of my 4 nephews living in Maryland. He's very special to me. He's as smart as a whip and knew his capitals and states at age 5. I'm wearing Skirt 43, which I picked up when I was in Maryland babysitting all 4 boys last year. This skirt reminds me of them, and that makes me smile inside.
I miss my family so much. I wonder all the time, what am I doing down here? So much of my life is in the U.S. I never realized it before. I suppose it's all about balance, but what exactly am I trying to balance? It's impossible to keep one foot in the U.S. and one in Mexico... I have to keep both feet exactly where I am, at this moment, because that's all we have at any given time.

It's snowing in Texas and Maryland. It's overcast and a little dreary here, which is NOT helping my mood. It makes me realize how much
I ♥ the sun.

That reminds me that I need to start compiling my Sunshine Playlist; all songs about the sun for dreary days like today. BTW, I could really use some help with this compilation...

First song: Velvet Underground, Who Loves the Sun?

Happy Belated Birthday Jordan!


  1. Second Song: Ben Harper, She's Only Happy In The Sun

  2. nr 3: texas, summer sun!

    :) Maartje

  3. "Good Day Sunshine" The Beatles
    One day in high school, Alan Densmore handed me a piece of paper; he had drawn a circle with a dot inside, and was all excited. He wanted me to guess what song it was. Duh! There's a little black spot on the sun today! I love Alan.
