January 18, 2008

Happy Meals!

Did I ask for the sun earlier today?

It doesn't take much to make me happy... Mexican McDonald's is different...

I ♥ the toy. Her heart lights up when you press a button, and look at that smile! She's like my little Buddha at home.

Earlier this evening after a great meal/meeting at Famar in Bucerias.

This is truly happy news! Next month I will sew skirts with women who are learning skills to move them toward financial independence. This empowerment is provided through P.E.A.C.E. PEACE is a non-profit that stands for Protection & Education Re: Animals, Culture & Environment. I have this idea to take Skirt Project to another level, and this could be it. It just goes to show that if you put something out to the universe, someway somehow your prayer will be answered. Next month my dream will be realized. It's just one program, but it's a start. I have this great feeling...

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