Friday night was our Chirstmas party, so I took the opportunity to change and wear a different skirt. There was lots of traditional yummy Mexican food, piñatas, caroling and dancing. I almost got to hit the piñata, but it broke before it was my turn. Boo! Incidentally they are made of clay and then papier-mâchéd! I can't imaging anything more dangerous, but the kids had a great time. I did too, and I have promised myself that I will have my way with a piñata before my time in PV is up.
I had no idea how hard it would be to wear one skirt, five days in a row. I'm not sure I'll be trying that experience again soon, but I did learn a few lessons.
My entries were simplified, though lots of stuff happened. I learned that I document my skirts in Skirt Project for me, not others. Not one person noticed that I wore the same skirt five days in a row. I picked a pretty inconspicuous skirt, so I think that helped things. I got a couple of comments throughout the week, but the best had to be on Friday, the 5th day of wearing Skirt 70, when a colleague told me "you always look so fresh." That's not the skirt he was talking about, that's me! That made me feel great.
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