January 2, 2011

Big & Small

The title refers to my Christmas gifts. Let's start with the first one I opened...

It was small, but beautifully wrapped. I especially liked the cute tag and slip knotted ribbons.

It was a Fun Meal!  A surprise within itself. I discovered these last month and fell hard for Fun Meals!

 You can get them here. I have two so far...
Mexican Night and Drive N' Go.

It's hard not to go out and buy them all at once, but I will wait until pay day. They're only $5, but it's about the surprise inside. 

Next, was a BIG gift! I love the fabric Jon used to wrap my gift - it's so soft and cozy, and it's gingham. 
It was a BIG wrapping job for a BIG gift! 

A friend and I saw these really large utensils at Pier 1 imports back in November. I loved them, as only I could. I was so surprised that he remembered, and we had fun taking silly pictures with it in front of the Christmas tree. 

My next gift was small, but also wrapped so wonderfully....
A stack of pink felt, held together with thick cotton string.
Jon had built a structure that held a tiny little box, and I had to open a series of felt flaps to get to the box.
This is what was inside...
Sterling silver scissors from here

I also got a gingham apron from Jon's mom, a book from my mom that I can't wait to read, and another BIG item from last year's list. Yay!

I've been on a creative kick lately. Lots of paper cutting in the past few days. I am sad, but excited that I go back to work tomorrow. Excited for a new year, but also sad - I want to keep making stuff. Perhaps I can do it all this year.... We'll see.

Happy New Year!

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