July 29, 2010

Paris - Centre Pompidou

The Centre Pompidou, Paris museum that houses a library and the Musée National d'Art Moderne, Europe's biggest collection of modern and contemporary art. The building of the Pompidou is insane to look at, immediately one can recognize that something is not quite right about the building. It could be the style in which the building was designed, essentially with the insides (plumbing, air conditioning, water systems, etc.) on the outside. The idea of bringing the working insides to the outside was also a social statement to the form and function of museums at the time.  It was designed in the 1970s by Renzo Piano, and created such an uproar because of it's innovative and unique design - but some just thought it was ugly.

These photos are from the front of the building. Here are some of Jon's photos of the other side, which really show the industrial skeleton at its best.
Notice the escalator, the red rectangles that move up to the top of the six-story building.
UP and Up you go! All the way to the top!

The sixth floor has an exhibition space, restaurant and offers incredible views!  

I'm not sure if this photo conveys it, but it was so hot when I visited the windows were open. I have such a terrible case of acrophobia, and this was very difficult for me to walk through. But, I had to do it, especially if I wanted to see the art.

Out the window, and to my right  I could see the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur.
To my left - ET!
At this point. my hands felt like they were being pricked with tiny pins and my feet and palms were so sweaty. With every step I took, I could feel my toes slosh around in my shoes - they were perspiring so much. It was gross, but I had no idea that my shoes were not conducive to acrophobia. I felt that I was going to slip in my own shoes and fall out the window, totally irrational - I know. 

Doesn't this restaurant look nice? That's Notre Dame Cathedral in the background.

The exhibitions on view when I went - Lucian Freud: L'atelier and Dreamlands.
Dreamlands was incredible!

Shooting arrows...

Fancy museum furniture... that's all.

There was so much to see at Musée National d'Art Moderne, from Picasso to the Gorrila Girls. The collection was vast and overwhelming. There was too much to take in, I will definitely have to return. Photos are allowed in the permanent collection, but I am finding that taking pictures in museums distracts  from the pleasure of viewing the artwork. I have to tell myself that better photos exist online and in books, and to see a piece in person, up-close, is precious. So many discoveries take place with every second and every step. 

Here are two of my favorites:

Fountain, Marcel Duchamp, 1917.

Two works by Yves Klein
Left: Monochrome IKB 3, 1960
Right: L'arbre, grande éponge bleue (SE 71), 1962

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