January 1, 2010

This Year I Will...

I have some photos to post from our most AMAZING trip, but I have 655 to go through. I am content to procrastinate, but determined to change that habit.

I've actually had a lovely lazy day. I trolled the internet, made a curry dinner, went for a night bike ride that ended up at the bowling lanes. Oh, and did I mention the snow? It was beautiful.

Some of my favorite finds today:

New Year's Resolution Generator. Check it out here:

Some of my generated resolutions worth keeping:

Grow Basil
Drink More Water
Be Productive
Start a business
write a story
Cook Beef Bourguignon
Ride my bike
Draw everyday
Create! Create! Create!
Take more photos
Update my blog
Learn to say hello in 5 languages
Laugh a lot
Send Birthday Cards
Change the world
Show gratitude
Be happy and healthy
Follow through
Start a piggy bank
Be positive

*Maira Kalman's final post for her New York Times' blog And the Pursuit of Happiness.

*Beautiful wedding photos on Our Labor of Love.

*This couple's DIY lifestyle from wedding to house to baby on Young House Love.

*This American Life podcast of Americans in Paris.

Not a bad way to spend the first day of 2010.

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