January 5, 2010


A very good book that I picked up at the library yesterday.
It's a collection of short stories called The Garden Party and Other Stories by Katherine Mansfield.

I had not heard of Katherine Mansfield before, I only chose the book because it stuck out and sang to me from the shelf. And I like short stories.

Actually, I prefer them because they ARE short, enticing the imagination; from the scenes, plot and characters. This is just the shot of inspiration that I need right now.

It's freezing cold here this week with no end in sight. The high is expected to be 32. There is snow on the ground and the sun is shining. Even in this freezing weather, I am wearing skirts. Some call me crazy, but what can I say? I feel more free in a skirt. I am also wearing two pairs of tights and leather boots. Yet, somehow, my toes are still numb.

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