October 21, 2009

My New Project

The weather has turned cooler and I've been itching to get back to my knitting needles, but I left them in Texas knowing I would be able to find some here, not to mention the bigger selection of nice yarns. Prices for nicer years can cost some money in the US, but here skeins are reasonably priced. Personally, I do not knit with acrylic anything. When I can, I try not to buy any piece of clothing made of man-made fibers. I'm kind of a hippie that way.

Anyway, I have my eye set on a sweater pattern, but need to practice before I attempt such a project. Therefore, I resolved to make something for Mr. Wonderful. Respecting folklore and not knitting him a sweater, I decided to knit him a scarf - which is not as easy as it sounds. He is a minimalist, a man of good taste, he knows what he likes. I have not known him to wear a scarf, but I'm making it for him anyway. The only thing he was particular about was the color. It had to be Prussian Blue.
Image from ColourLovers.com

Once the color was established, I had to find the yarn. Fortunately a few meters from my door is a yarn store called Twolwinkeltje.
I found my skeins of 100% Italian Merino wool in the perfect color,

I still had no idea which pattern to use.

It couldn't be too fancy, or he would not wear it. It needed to be simple, but elegant. I searched until I came across this pattern for a scarf from World War I. During the war the American Red Cross encouraged Americans to knit for service men, they even provided instructions and yarn. This pattern appeared in the 1917 issue of The Modern Priscilla: A Magazine Exclusively for Women. I liked the idea of knitting from a pattern from 1917! It's a very easy pattern, not too much thinking involved for me. It keeps my hands busy and my mind clear, and I am excited to have something to do on the train. Find the pattern here.

The script on the bottom says,"This scarf is plain knitting. May be made by a beginner."

Knitting pretty in a skirt.
I have a way to go, we'll see how long it takes me.

1 comment:

  1. great old pattern.
    I'm sure it will be quite nice when done.
    Also - likin' the new photo for the blog!
    I just saw that on LYMI.
    The cranes are so sweet all together.

    And I love the dog trail graffiti on the lower post.

