October 22, 2009

Milk in a Tube

Have you ever seen this?

Sweetened condensed milk in a tube.
I had never, but my friends on Facebook tell me that it's available in the US. I just about died when I saw the packaging. Too funny! I've been eyeing it, wanting to buy it and use it.... And ok, I really wanted to get on my bicycle, go for a long hard ride up hill, reach my destination and squirt sweetened condensed milk in my mouth! Ahhhh! Sounds refreshing!

It's gotten much cooler here in Leuven, and while the sun was shining today, I was cold. I needed something warm in my system; I wanted arroz con leche and I needed bananas. So, I bundled up and went to the store to buy bananas, rice and a tube of sweetened condensed milk. I would soon taste sweet rice from my childhood. It's very easy to make, and is great dish that can be served warm or cold. Here's my recipe.

I do not have any measuring utensils in my house, sorry if my measuring devices are a bit peculiar.

First, you need a pot big enough to cook your rice. In the pot add
1 coffee cup rice
3 coffee cups milk
and another 1 - 2 coffee cups water (I added half of the water as the rice was cooking).
Also, add a few dashes of cinnamon. (Be generous with your dashes).
Bring the milk, water and rice to a boil, lower the heat and stir until the rice is cooked, about 15 minutes.

Next, add a tube of sweetened condensed milk - squeeze out every last drop!
Add 2 espresso spoons of vanilla beans and a few more dashes of cinnamon.

Stir. Sample.


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