September 9, 2009

Living in Leuven

At least for the past few days... Most of these photos are from Monday when all of Leuven celebrates Leuven Kermis, which always happens the weekend of the first Monday of September. It's sort of like Labor Day and Fair Day all rolled into one. It's a big celebration of the town, (every town in Belgium has a day to celebrate: schools shut down, some shops close) a fair is set up with rides, games and greasy foods, shops put discounted items out while they close the streets, and the beer and bad music flows all day. It was a happening!

Apparently the Belgians LOVE their flower carpets...

Here is the Flower Carpet on Maandag (Monday).
Here is the flower carpet Dinsdag (Tuesday).

And just for fun...
From the Leuven website, you can design your own Flower Carpet.
I can't wait to get my markers out!

On these first days we walked, and we found out:
walking sure does makes you thirsty!

And hungry!

And then, tired. Time for a cappucino!
But wait! All of that warm milk makes me sleepy again...

So, I've switched to regular coffee, which comes with the crema that I like so much.

Mr. Wonderful still drinks his espresso.

But I still miss this place.

After a fair amount of walking and viewing some disappointing places, I asked the real estate agent where we could stop and get a drink. She dropped us off at Onder Den Toren,

A great place to catch your breath and decompress with a Kriek.
Thank goodness, as a MAJOR hissy fit was avoided!
It was a good thing.

We are settling in just fine, yesterday we rented bikes.

All I can say is it's the end of the pink bike era... for now, but more on that later.
And we have a safe place to park them too... Hooray!
Welcome home!

VoilĂ !

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