September 8, 2009

Boots in Brussels Cont.

This post is about my experience with Brussels' night life.

I've already mentioned the food in a previous post, but our meal last Saturday night was magnifique! We had moule frite, which was prepared by our hosts.

Here are the moules:

And here are the frites:
Which came from Brussels' best friterie,
Maison Antoine:
I can't wait to make moule frite at home. When we get one...

A shot of The Town Hall, the main attraction in the Grand' Place, at night.
When in Brussels, do as the Belgians do...
Go to another bar, of course!
If you click here, you may recognize the pink elephant from the label...

(In Belgium, cafe = bar)

After a few beers, things start to get a little shaky...

A night shot of the opera house in Belgium, La Monnaie. In front is a rather large copper covered, papier-mâché sculpture called Three Legged Buddah, erected to celebrate the 2009-2010 season.
I hope to see an opera there this season, or at least take a guided tour... I hear it's one of the best in all of Europe.

Around the corner from La Monnaie, is my friend's pub Churchill's,
"probably the most famous English pub in Brussels."
Another Belgian beer: Kossaat.

From Belgium with love,

Bonne nuit!

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