September 14, 2009


From Wikipedia, "Fonske" is a statue near the centre of town. His full name is Fons Sapientiae, Latin for "fountain of wisdom." The statue represents a university student who, while reading a book, lets wisdom flow into his head as liquid from a glass. Just like Manneken Pis in Brussels, Fonske is from time to time dressed in costumes appropriate for the occasion.

Fonske is also known to have beer floating in his head from time to time.

Fonske will be guiding my posts this week.


  1. that is one of the most fascinating sculptures I have ever seen!! What a character. Creepy and interesting. Hopefully I can see it in person over the next year.

  2. Hello Lydia,
    Good to see that you got to Belgium just fine and you are having fun! It all looks fascinating.

    Best Wishes
