September 14, 2009


(Dutch for books.)

I love books. They bring a sense of comfort to me and make any place feel like home... along with a little bit of clutter.

But the book I was going to read while I was here, was not meant to be. I accidentally left it on the plane during my first flight to Chicago. Oh well. I have plenty others.

A stack of titles I brought with me in a packing frenzy. I felt like these were the ones I absolutely could not leave behind.
All titles linked to Amazon.

Berlitz French and Dutch phrase book and dictionary. Essential.
Lonely Planet's guide to Belgium and Luxembourg. Another essential.
The Art of Hand Lettering, see below.
Culture Shock! Belgium. Not really essential, but helpful!
Bill Bryson, Neither Here Nor There: Travels in Europe. I like Bill Bryson, but I think he was in a bad mood when he wrote this book.
Spiral Jetta, by Erin Hogan. An arty memoir, interesting so far... we'll see how it finishes. I keep waiting for CRAZY drama, but she is an art historian...
Keri Smith's new book, This is Not a Book. ESSENTIAL! Yay! Keri Smith!
A Year in Japan by Kate T. Williamson. Essential for inspiration. (I also brought my watercolors.)
Edith Hamilton's Mythology, for my new project. I love myths.

I also brought the illustrated memoir French Milk by Lucy Knisley, which was about her time spent in France. I really liked this book, it was cute and inspiring. Miss Knisley just got back from another trip to France, and you can check it all out on her blog.

An essential cookbook: I wonder if this is published in paperback.
I need to start using it soon, to justify bringing it and its weight all the way over here.

On my first few days here in Leuven, I visited this antique bookstore. It was awesome. I just LOVE books. The proprietor sits at his antique desk among first editions, and used copies of books on art, architecture, music, travel, literature, history. My favorite books to peruse were the books about books. Gah!

I tried to resist, but ended up purchasing this copy of

It's full of useful information on materials, process and inspiration. Plus, it will give me something to do, not that I'm bored or anything...

Markets happen every weekend in Leuven, more on that later. Saturday is the big day for antiques, books and junque.
I can't help myself so I peruse:

I've always wanted to read The Little Prince...

I wish I would have brought my copy of The Diary of Anne Frank. I hope to go to Amsterdam to see her little attic soon.

I've also perused titles in proper book stores. I like books with pictures. I was immediately drawn to these titles:
An illustrated French, English and Dutch dictionary.
It's heavy, but soooo cool!
I really, really, really, WANT it!

A large part of comic history lies here in Belgium, with famous cartoonists such as Georges Remi aka Hergé, creator of Tintin, and Pierre Culliford aka Peyo, creator of the Smurfs! Yay!
Comics and graphic books are a tradition that is alive and well here in Belgium, and prominently displayed,

This calendar could be a good way to learn some Dutch.

The European best seller, Cash
The English translation of this title will be released October 1.

And finally, a book that has been out since 2007 in Europe, but has yet to be translated to English:
This is a illustrated biography of artist and muse of the early 20th century Alice Prin.
I think I will buy the French version as a teaching tool for myself.

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