July 9, 2009

Skirts and Hail

It hailed yesterday. I tried to capture some shots for water,
Smarts & Crafts' Thursday Photo Assignment, but I didn't think it really conveyed "WATER" very well.

It was big.
And wet
(Skirt 63 and my new favorite gingham top.)

I was trying to describe the hail to Steph, and I had to draw it in purple pen to illustrate the pellet shape. I finished my drawing later that night.
It has sparkles in it.

I accidentally took her card home.
Sorry Steph!

It's not so sunny and bright today, but I do like my outfit.
I ♥ gingham!
This skirt is fun to wear, because it's uplifting and not your typical black skirt.

At the Modern for today's Press Preview. It's been one year since Guilty Skirt.
Same venue, same event, different artist, different skirt.

Richard Serra's Vortex.
The denim skirt to the right puts its' height in perspective.

I pinned my shirt in the back with a brooch. My blouse is great, but it's too big.
Two hummingbirds compliment the purple gingham of my shirt, offering a different point of view.

Look up: it's a septagon

Look down.
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