June 10, 2008

Lucky 13???

This Friday is the first Friday the 13th of 2008. An auspicious day, I am really looking forward to it. I should save this skirt for that day, but I have another outfit planned. I don't want to jinx it, so you'll just have to wait and see what's going on and what I wear. :-) Anyway, I mentioned yesterday that I wanted a "do over," this is the first of three this week. Skirt 13 was last worn in Cow Town when I went to Art Space 111, The Modern, Railhead BBQ, and stumbled upon Dishes from the Past. I must confess that I didn't like my outfit that day, but here are some pics that I took.

At Dishes from the Past; a wonderland of many beautiful, breakable things! I've never really been that into china... I always figured it was better to make your own, besides I think I would prefer Japan anyway... har har har har har.

This is my mom's wedding china, she still has it...

And this is the Franciscan pattern that my mom is collecting these days. Brothers, I hope you are taking notes!

Here's another sign from Railhead BBQ. It's pretty good, but not the best. I love BBQ so much, I'm still in search of the best. What makes great BBQ? Tender meat, a great sauce that is both spicy and sweet and the sides! I ate BBQ with another connoisseur. We agreed that we've had better, but I thought the yams were amazing! Later today I'm going to look up some BBQ blogs, I know they are out there...

At The Modern. I was trying to imitate Stephan Balkenhol's 4 Figures.

None of these photos worked for me... I hate my outfit, makes me look way too frumpy. I think it's the shoes... I love 'em, but they don't really go with my skirt.

I'm hoping to get some better ones today. I don't have as much going on, but you never know where your skirt will take you!

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