May 13, 2008

Justice Skirt 7

At the courthouse this morning, waiting... waiting... waiting...

and more waiting...
At least it's good reading!

My city: such a dismal day. Depressing case too...
Very sad.

Justice was served on Justice Street.
I didn't get selected, Woo hoo! More about that later...

And for lunch: meatball sandwiches at Jimmy's.

Whew! I'm glad that's over with.
I have jury duty today. I've never been before. I'm excited to see our justice system at work, up close and personal. I hope my excitement doesn't wear off to early in the day, the website said to be prepared to stay the entire day. Hope they let me take my knitting needles in....

Incidentally, I'm wearing the exact outfit that I wore for my Skirt 7 post, one year ago. My how things change; at least my outfit hasn't!

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