February 7, 2008

Somewhere over the Rainbow Skirt

The last time I wore Skirt 46 was in July of 2007. I was driving back to Dallas from Denton and I saw a rainbow. Skirt 46 is a very old skirt, I'm not sure how old, but I was married when I bought it and that was over ten years ago. I didn't mention that I was married in the post on July 2nd, but I was. I was a child bride, married at 18. I mentioned that I kept this skirt because it reminds me how much I have grown, but today I am reminded that I am still growing; working towards becoming the person I've always known I can be ~ believing in myself.

Whenever I see a rainbow, I feel like I am witnessing a miracle. I also think of Skittles, but that's just advertising... I don't think that I will see a rainbow in Puerto Vallarta today, but I have seen one or two since I've been here. It's just nice to know that a simple skirt, that I really happen to like, can hold fond memories and remind me to hope and dream...

Not a rainbow, but beautiful cotton candy clouds...

I've been doing some thinking, and I realize that I was NOT a child bride. I was a young woman, unsure of myself and looking to be rescued from a world that I had no idea how to make sense of.

The world still doesn't make sense. But this world is mine, perfect as my own. It is what it is.

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