January 16, 2008

Skirt 32

Skirt 32. It's one of my favorites... also the age that I am. Does this mean that it's going to be a good year?

When I got to school this morning there was a big sign on my door. It was so sweet, but after spending yesterday alone, I felt silly when kids came and wished me a happy birthday. This went on all day: nursery sang Las MaƱanitas to me, some of my students gave me this great shell bracelet and then one of my students brought me a cake!

That was so nice, and completely unexpected. All I can say is: Wow! I work at a really great school!

Meet Toby the hedgehog, one of my student's pets.

I'm holding him. Yay me!

1 comment:

  1. so. i wrote in my schedule that your birthday was today, not yesterday.

    obviously, i am awesome.

    happy birthday anyway!

