January 8, 2008

Back to Square 1: Skirt 1

Back to Square 1 in Skirt 1.

New Year's resolution #1:
Get to work on time.

(Sigh) I can always try again tomorrow…

Here’s something I read on the bus this morning:
One instant of total awareness is one instant of perfect freedom and enlightenment.

It's all about the skirts and being in the moment.
Getting out en el barrio...

I tried a new place to eat right around the corner with my neighbor. She looked fabulous in her pink skirt. The little bodega is called Blake's and is owned by another couple who live close by. There, I met more of my other neighbors from Europe who just celebrated their 85th and 94th birthdays. I bet they have some interesting stories to tell... For some reason, it puts everything in perspective for me.

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