November 9, 2007

Mixed Up Skirt

Crane update: 779, and I just read
Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes by Eleanor Coerr.

It's quite a good read. Very quick... very sad... I cried. To find out more about Sadako Sasaki, click here.

To find out more about MIXED UP day, scroll down.

Shirt and Skirt

All mixed up!

Skirt as shirt, and shirt as skirt!
(Sounds like a Dr. Sueuss story.)

Here are some pics of some of the cutest MIXED UP kids...

She's just precious!

You should have seen him walk around today... funny stuff!

The topic of today's post has put the 1990's San Francisco band Red House Painters in my head. It's been a long time since I listened to them...
Check out these songs whenever you are in a melancholy mood...
All Mixed Up
Japanese to English

Today is spirit day in the primary school. The theme is MIXED UP. For instance, wear one flip-flop and one tennis shoe, etc. The student council put this together to collect money for the flood victims in Tabasco. It only costs $10 pesos to participate, and it's for a good cause.
I wasn't sure how to mix up a skirt, but my love gave me an idea and it has to do with the boyfriend shirt skirt.

This morning I'm up to 582 cranes. We've started to string them together and they look absolutely beautiful in the room. They really do bring about a sense of peace and tranquility, something that I really need more of these days.

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