October 27, 2007

Subject: Skirts in Japan...

Impossible Germany
Unlikely Japan...

Some lyrics from the latest Wilco album Sky Blue Sky, which I am loving here in Vallarta...

I recieved a link for an article from Pam earlier this week.
Anti-Mugging "Skirt" Transforms Would-Be Victim Into Soda Machine

URL: http://www.switched.com/2007/10/22/anti-mugging-skirt-transforms-would-be-victim-into-soda-machin/

I had never once considered the safety factor of a skirt, and safety is something that is foremost on my mind as I get accustomed to living in another country. Locals tell me that Vallarta is one of the safest cities they've lived in, which is nice to hear. Maybe, I should make a skirt that transforms to a taco stand...

This article reminded me of an e-mail that I had received about 5 or 6 years ago about skirts in Japan. So, I looked it up again, out of curiosity... It turns out to be an urban myth now, but it still "cracks" me up...

Thanks for the article Pam! Have fun tonight at Pawn Gallery! I'm really proud of you for getting it done and putting it out there.


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