October 28, 2007

I ♥ PV

I ♥ PV! Just a few pics (more than normal actually) of some things that I did this weekend to keep myself busy...

More art by Chase. This is a mural they were working on a couple of weeks ago. It's finished now.
Recuerda quien eres ~ remember who you are...

To check out more of this artist's work, visit http://www.theartofchase.com/


I went to Sayulita this weekend, and fell in LOVE with the town. When I think of Mexico, this would be the town that I think of. Sure it's crawling with tourists and is a little bit like Disney World, but it's a great town with a great bohemian vibe. (2 greats... must be really great! ;-))

For me, Sayulita has it all: fantastic food, shopping and beautiful people. I will definitely have to go back for the shopping and a massage... As for the shopping, I totally had to restrain myself. There are too many cute boutiques with Mexican arts and crafts, and lots of great stuff. I was jonsing to shop and finally broke down and bought some organic coffee from Manuel on the beach. It's whole bean too, which is very hard to find here. The burlap sack that the coffee came in gave me an idea...

The church in the square... so cute!

Here is a shot of Sayulita Fish Taco (the yellow building), a great place to eat. I love the painted buildings. So colorful!

Another shot of the town square from our lunch table...

La playa!
Sayulita is known for its' surfing. All I surf are the TV channels these days...
Oh well, it was still nice and relaxing.

Check me out!

I don't know if you can really see it, but the sand is amazing in Sayulita. It's black with flecks of gold, as if someone had dumped a ton of gold glitter in the ocean ~ the water revealed this great pattern in the sand as I picked up sea shells and sea glass. So pretty...

Back on the Malecon...

Mmmmmm! Paletas! Me gusta el sabor de coco!

This woman provided some lovely musica underneath the palapa on the beach.

Te amo ~ I love you. By the Rio Cuale.

This place is really starting to grow on me...

Yes, I did wear the same thing all weekend...
Viva Red Sox!

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