May 2, 2007

Skirt 2 part II

Check out Kiba's authentic Gauchos. Aren't these fabulous?! I thought it was a skirt!
Today I realized some reasons why I am doing Skirt Project. It makes the day special. Suddenly it's not just another day. (I wonder if I'll be able to keep up this momentum?)
I'm starting to notice lots of fabulous skirts. Skirts are great conversation starters. If I see a great skirt, I want to compliment that person. For example, I complemented a professor today on her super-cute polka-dot skirt.
"Thanks!" she said. "And it's reversible! No one has to know I wore the same skirt twice in a row." Then she revealed the other side to me. I love it!
I spent the majority of the day in Denton working on my presentation. I had lunch at the Greenhouse with Sarita, a sweet friend who informed me that I was also making memories. AND she wore a skirt that she had not worn in a while to show her support. By the way, she looked great.

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