May 4, 2007

LCC And/Or Gallery

Today's skirt is hungover... it drags a little. Literally. It's an easy black skirt. It's very comfortable and flow-y, asymmetrical and knit. I bought it at Target about 4 years ago. It's one of my favorites.
More pictures than usual today.

Had a quick meeting at the Legorreta y Legoretta building that houses the Latino Cultural Center.

Took a ride in my lady friend's car. Keeping up with the car shots.

Found an awesome wind tunnel. Ended up at And/Or Gallery for the opening of Show #9. Watched Tree Wave and Arcangel Constantini. Waved to gallery goers in NYC.


  1. I left you a myspace message about this but it's so weird that I'll leave you one here as well: I have this skirt. Seriously. I think we're in some kind of cosmic wardrobe vortex, kind of like Back to the Future only with clothes.

  2. Thanks for writing this.
