January 1, 2012

Today, I made...

Today, I made tea,

I made a mess,
(Italian black ink stains my hands as I type this post.)

And I made up my mind for 2012:
Inspired by Elise Blaha and this post, I decided on a word to guide me through 2012.

I love the romantic notion of New Year's Day. It's a chance to to reflect, revel in traditions and start anew.

Reflection of 2011:  It wasn't such a bad year, I ...
  • got engaged at Walter de Maria's Lightning Field,
  • traveled to a new city - Seattle
  • traveled to New York, Chicago, Austin, San Antonio, Maryland, New Haven, and Albuquerque
  • stayed at a job longer than one year
  • stayed at a residence longer than one year
Revel in tradition: This New Years' traditions included:
  • 12 grapes at midnight
  • Doughnuts 
  • Black eyed peas
  • Champagne wishes and ceviche dreams
  • Family and friends
  • Mustaches
Start Anew...
I fell off the blogging bandwagon, so here we go again. I miss it! I blame my absence on work, but to be truthful, I stopped blogging because I am not sure what I have in mind for this blog space of mine. 
"We'll see..." 
That's something I find myself saying a lot these days, and it's the truth. I have some idea of what I want for my life, but I have to find the courage to say it out loud. I love my blog for the space to create and share.  And so we shall see what will happen in 2012. I am excited.


  1. Thanks! It was going to be discipline, but I couldn't spell it immediately and Make just appeared on the page.
