February 4, 2011

Blue Berry Day

Due to another day of school cancelled due to inclement weather, I finally got around to finishing my blue bag that I started last week.

I love the way it turned out!

The fabric is from an estate sale that I went to a few years ago. I'd been holding on to it for a while and wasn't sure what I was going to do with it. I love it as a bag.

I also really love this big white button and the honeycomb yellow fabric that lines the inside. It's so cheerful!
Sew... now that that's done, I turned my attention to baking and making use of what was in my fridge.
Blueberry Muffins!

I think this was the first time I had made blueberry muffins from scratch. I used a recipe from this book that I got for my birthday. The muffins were good, Jon liked them anyway, but that kind of doesn't count since he'll eat anything. The cinnamon and orange zest gave them a nice flavor. I don't know, I think I just have a super sweet tooth, but I thought they could use something more - like cream cheese icing. Just kidding... sort of. 

Finally around midnight it started snowing. After days of below freezing temperatures it FINALLY started to snow. I love the snow. It's so beautiful. I feel like a kid and never get tired of it. 

Since it was midnight, and no one was watching... 
One life's dream complete.

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