May 16, 2010

Knokke, Knokke...

Who's there?
Belgians open their beach sheds when the weather gets nice. From what I observed, they don't particularly care to face the sea. 

My friend Kerrie and I decided to take a day trip since our significant others were nose deep in research, thesis writing, or whatever. We decided to head to the coastal town of Knokke, right on the Belgium/Netherlands border. As it turns out, I had been to this town before, I just didn't recognize it in the sunlight. (Yes, I just wrote the word sunlight!) The weather is also inching back up ever so slightly, but it was still cold enough to wear my warmest piece of clothing - my new owl sweater! HOOT!

The town of Knokke is a posh place full of shops, art galleries, high rise beach apartments. Some say it's the poshest place in Belgium, except they don't put it so nicely. It's a lovely place to stroll or cycle, dip your toes in the North Sea, and people watch.
Tomorrow's Man by Catherine François
More about this sculpture here.

Het Zwin is a nature reserve just north of Knokke and exactly on the Netherlands/Belgium border. The Zwin is a gorgeous place known for its marshes, rising tide, forest and sea lavender which is in bloom in the late summer.

We interrupt this post to bring you this special photo from this week's Belgium beer...
Zoeteke - a low alcohol, delicious, cherry beer. Brewed for Zoete Polder a cherry farm near Knokke. We now return to regularly scheduled photos.

We walked to the Netherlands without knowing it, which is very easy to do. In the four hours that we walked the Zwin, the tide had risen along the shore.

A view of the Catherine François' sculpture on the way back.

I'll be back tomorrow with a few more pictures.

1 comment:

  1. love this! it's a little vacation for me reading your blog. it's so hot and awful here...i wish i were there!
