March 31, 2010


Image from Maira Kalman's New York Times blog And the Pursuit of Happiness, 2006.

I’ve talked about Maira Kalman quite a bit on this blog. I love her illustrations and writing because it is evident that she views the world in a unique way – a way in which I, and millions of others, relate to and appreciate.

Last week I tuned into a webinar featuring Maira Kalman. She talked about her work, her process, and her inspiration. Below is a list of the key ideas that I gleaned from her talk.

Maira’s Pearls of Wisdom

Carry a sketchbook
Carry a camera
Dare to dream
It's ok to procrastinate

The title of the webinar was called "I Wake Up and Walk, First Reading the Obituaries," which is exactly what I did this morning.


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