February 21, 2010

From the Desk of Ms. Lydia

Mr. Wonderful's sister is a teacher in Texas. She teaches English as a second language for elementary school. Wonderfulness must run in the family, because during her first year of teaching she was awarded 'Teacher of the Year!' I think that is just amazing.

Late last year she sent me a package of letters from her 2nd grade kids. It must have been around Christmas time when they wrote them because they asked a bunch of questions about Sinterklaas. They were pretty cute, and funny.

I think about the time when I was in second grade... I don't think I thought too much about the world, I am not sure what I knew about Europe and I definitely didn't know about Sinterklaas. So, I wanted to make something special just for them.

I took some time and went through some of my photos from our travels here. I printed and glued them on blank postcards from my beloved store HEMA. (Have you clicked on that link yet? If you haven't, you MUST! Wait a few seconds and watch. It will make you smile! I love HEMA design!)

Ok, so next I went on-line and searched for postcard templates and found a cute one on Martha Stewart's website. I scanned a copy with a Belgian stamp to make it seem more official. Then I wrote individual messages to each child, 15 total, mostly telling them about things in Europe that I think would be interesting for a 7 year old. Have you even thought about what would be interesting for a 7 year old?

They just arrived in Texas last week, so I am curious and excited to hear what their reactions will be! In the meantime, I am working on letters for her fifth grade class.

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