February 16, 2010

From the Desk of Ms. Lydia

It may be below freezing temperatures here in Belgium, but I still wear skirts:

Last Friday, the grade 5 class I help with had a Valentine's lunch. I had never done one of these Surprise lunches, but it's a great idea that can be adapted for any season, theme or holiday.

First, you need to fill out a questionnaire that asks about your favorite snacks and foods.

Once all the forms are collected all of the participants' names are drawn at random, and it is TOP SECRET!

Over the next two days, you spend some time gathering all the favorite goodies for the person you drew.
One is also responsible for the decoration of the box or bag and you can also include fun little things like stickers.

Put it all together and:
VoilĂ !

It was really a fun idea, and something that can be done for all ages. Give it a try!

The kids made Valentines:

Click here to view the one I made.

Last Friday, the kids also celebrated Carnival with a colorful costume parade. I didn't know what to expect. It's a little like Halloween, but there are more masks, feathers and glitter.

The kids got really creative with their costumes. The following two were my favorites.

Here you have the Frog Princess:

And here is the fly.

These were handmade by the kids, and they were so awesome! It was a riot to see them chasing each other around.

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