January 6, 2010

Queen for a Day!

It's still the Christmas season here in Belgium. Today the Epiphany was celebrated with a tradition that comes from France, called le tirage des rois, or the "pulling of the kings."

Today all of the pastry shops had galettes des rois (kings' cake), which are made from puff pastry and filled with almond paste, like an almond croissant. And we can't forget the fève inside. Usually a real fava bean, or a small ceramic figurine. (?!) Whoever finds the fève in their slice of galettes des roi becomes King, or Queen, for a day!

Guess who had the slice with the fève?
Picture taken after just one (painful) bite.

The fève:
Although he is cute, he was not so fun to bite into! I have a special place in mind for him...

1 comment:

  1. i love him!
    and thanks for the paris shots.
    looks lovely.
    will have to hear about it on IM soon.
