December 23, 2009

New App and Our Christmas Tree

There is a missing camera cord somewhere in this house, so more pics and updating will take place as soon as I find it...
In the meantime, here is a photo from my iPhone using the App ShakeIt!

ShakeIt turns your iPhone pictures into Polaroid replicas. You even get to shake your phone to see the picture reveal itself. Hence the name ShakeIt. I found this app via FreckleWonder and would definitely have to agree that it's the best .99 you will ever spend.

Our Christmas tree was made with a few odds and ends in the house. I happened to have moss green yarn and tacks, so I followed some inspiration I have seen on a few blogs. It was very easy, I used one tack at the top and seven at the bottom. Starting from the top and center, I wound the yarn around each tack and voilĂ ! You have a Christmas tree.

The ornaments are paper cranes from packages that I have opened since I have lived here in Leuven. More on that here, and they are affixed with small wooden clothespins that I picked up at De Banier, a craft store here in Leuven. The have come in so handy!

I also used them to display sweet cards from my little friends.

Check out that precious handwriting!

1 comment:

  1. If I had an iPhone I would get that app.
    I'll bet the inspiration came from the brilliant OutkAst lyric :
    "Shake It Like a Polaroid Picture"
    aw yeah.
    awesomeness on all fronts.
