December 6, 2009

Brussel's Christmas Market

Last Friday, Mr. Wonderful and I ventured to the Christmas Market Brussels. The Christmas Market is a wonderful, festive holiday tradition that has been around since the middle ages. These days the Christmas Market is a great place to find local arts and handicrafts for holiday gifts and a great way to experience local culture - food, vin chaud (mulled wine) and holiday spirit.

The grand Christmas tree in Grand Place, all decked out in blue:Of course we had to stop in some chocolate shops to admire the artistry.

Chocolate Santa:

Giant Chocolate baby!


Marzipan pigs and chocolate Euro coins.

These were goodie sacks for Sinterklaas. I am still trying to find out the significance of the little piggies...

In the famous Dandoy shop. This biscuterie has been in the same spot since 1839!

Dandoy has the most beautiful and delicious holiday cookies, also known as speculaas. Speculaas is a kind of short bread cookie made with a special blend of spices.
This is a giant Sinterklaas speculaas.
It was probably stamped with a large wooden mold like this. These molds are gorgeous just as decoration, and would make a great holiday souvenier ...

The Christmas Market!

The Christmas Market in Brussels takes place in Plaza Saint Catherine close to the St. Catherine Church and the old wall of the city.

Let's go check out the ferris wheel!

And the ice skating rink!

Skirt and skates:
The best part about the Christmas Market is the food, and you have to try the Vin Chaud (mulled wine). It's delicious!

photos by Mr. Wonderful

The brats are AMAZINGLY good!

There are plenty of other foods to eat too.


Chocolate covered strawberries

And savory Sausages!

But that's not all, the handicrafts are a feast for your eyes!

Colorful puzzles from Romania

French soaps

Christmas Matroshka dolls

Cute wooden animals

Recycled tin toys:

Storybook dolls with a different character under the skirts!

Ooooh! I wish I had a million Euros!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog just gets more amazing every time I stop in! I hope all is splendid in Belgium. I miss you!
