November 8, 2009

Fun with Paper

Hallo! It's been a crafty weekend here in mi casa. Last night I finally finished my knitting project, (Yay!) and I will post pictures as soon as I get some good shots of that piece. I am pretty happy with the way it turned out, and I am eager to get started on the next yarn project: felted coasters. I have the colors selected, I just have to decide if I want to crochet or knit the pieces, and if I want them circular or square. Ah... decisions, decisions.

I made a few more paper cranes and have built up quite the menagerie. I wanted to string them and make some sort of mobile or hanging element, but I am not able to do that because my ceilings are way too high and there is just no place to hang them. In the meantime, I have placed them throughout our apartment for pops of color, here and there.

Last week I stumbled upon the website Dollar Store Crafts. Some of their projects look vapid and cheap, but if you scroll through some of the archives you can find some decent inspiring posts; like this one. And, I do like the idea of crafting from the dollar store. If only we had one here in Belgium, but we do have second hand shops where I found this vintage book in French. I think it's about some kind of psychosis...

Not exactly my kind of reading material, but it's browned, fragile, vintage, French printed pages are perfect for my project du jour.

I found a CRAFT STORE!!!!

This is a very exciting development in my life here in Leuven. I know where the store is, but I don't know the name of it yet. When I went last week they were about to close for lunch. I was only able to take a quick scan of the store's inventory; they have so many tools and materials, and they even offer classes. I will definitely go back when I have some time and some €s.

In the mean time I did pick up a styrofoam wreath and a glue gun:
Both items are also necessary for my project du jour.

Project du jour: I thought I would give the book page wreath a try. The original post is from the blog Living with Lindsay, which is a great DIY blog with tutorials and all kinds of fun projects and great design. She has one of those blogs that makes you think, "why didn't I think of that?!" But, at least she does and she shares them.

Her blog post on the book page wreath has a video tutorial, it's very helpful. I took an action shot as I was rolling up pages today.

My wreath didn't take too long to make.
(Sorry for the terrible picture. I will try to take a better one when I have some daylight.)

It only took one and a half episodes of the new show Glee to complete. (I absolutely love that show!)
I love, Love, LOVE the way this book turned out.
Who doesn't love a good page turner and a happy ending!

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