October 2, 2009

Idea #9

#9. Spend a day drawing only RED things.

Easy enough, but I think I also want to focus on the color red in my photographs. This was inspired by my friend Stephanie and her California Color Studies.

I drew some stuff too, but it wasn't my focus here. These pics are from the weekend we went to Bruges.

So, without further ado...

Red in Bruges: Day 1

Red brick houses. The numbers on the house 674, actually mean 1674 the year the house was constructed.

Red brick Baroque church. Love that sky!

I have no idea what this is. It says something about Jan de Baere the opthomologist, but it looks cool.

Red in Bruges: Day 2

Hibiscus tea. Reminds me of Mexico...
Red door at the Belfry.

I couldn't take a camera in the Gruuthuse Museum, so I had to draw what I saw. I colored later.
Ox blood was, in some cases still used as a paint here in Flanders.
At the ice cream parlor... I don't know what to say about this.

No, comes to mind.

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