October 15, 2009

Idea #19

From Keri Smith's 100 ideas:

#19. Take 15 minutes to eat an orange.

I'd seen these oranges at my local produce shop and LOVED the packaging. I knew this Idea was in the jar and I was just waiting to pull it out, so that I could go and buy this orange.
Señorita oranges from España.


I couldn't wait to get it home. Just look at the pretty Señorita on the packaging. I bet she is from Sevilla and she dances flamenco at a tiny bodega in a corner no bigger than a café table.I love flamenco dance. I even took a class in my mid twenties. I would like to take lessons again, it's such a sensual and emotional dance. As much as I like dancing with my partner, flamenco can be danced alone ~ performed for your partner. My teacher said I was a natural, and I remember a few steps from the Sevillana. I loved my zapatos with nails in them, they were so loud and powerful when I did the zapatera. My goal was to become very good because I really wanted to wear a frilly skirt and use the castanets. One day... one day...

So that day dream took up 5 minutes. Time to eat the orange!

I held it in my hand, smelled it and then waited for that moment when my thumb nail digs under the skin and a fine mist, barely visible to the eye sprays in the opposite direction.
Except, I didn't see or feel any mist.

Hmmm. "That's odd," I thought. I kept on peeling. I peeled the entire orange and noticed that the skin felt waxier and smoother than the oranges that I am used to. I'm not talking about US oranges, because I make fresh squeezed orange juice every morning. My fingers are used to the dimply texture. I kept on peeling until the entire rind was off. That took less than two minutes... Maybe I'll peel away all of the white strings that surround each piece.
My intention was to wait until each piece was seperated from the whole, but I couldn't wait. I really wanted to taste my Señorita orange from España! And it tasted...

it tasted...

it tasted


Not sweet, but bitter and sour. I tried to eat a few pieces, but I just couldn't do it. I couldn't even swallow it, it tasted so bad.

When life hands you a bad orange, make something else to take that terrible taste out of your mouth!
I had tea in an orange mug with two chocolate orange soft cake cookies on the side for a delicious and enjoyable 15 minutes, a real treat for me.

Tea of Anise
As the weather turns cold, I am loving anise tea. Anise is a plant that is used in all kinds of world dishes. In Bruges a few weekends ago I walked out of a museum to the scent of anise permeating the air. En plein air, vendors made licorice candy, and I haven't been able to get that scent out of my mind. I was craving anise tea. Thanks to my mother and grandmother, I have smelled this scent since I was a little girl, and the sweet smell instantly envelops and comforts me. Whenever we were sick, we would always drink hot tea with honey and lemon. It wasn't until I was older that I learned that this was tea of anise. In addition to its wonderful flavor, anise has medicinal benefits too. It's a natural expectorant, soothes sore throats, and just makes you feel good.

Read this for more information about the benefits of anise.

So, what's the point of this post? Not sure, but isn't this paper gorgeous!

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