August 25, 2009

Today's Letter of the Day Is...

Today's letter is brought to you by Paper Source.

Here's a fun little way to ease my way back into blogging. I've missed it, and every day that goes by, I feel more guilt about not posting. Don't worry, I am not going to go through the entire alphabet, just a few letters this week that are pertinent this time in my life. So, here goes:

J is for job.
Yup, I've been working. While it's not gainful employment, it is work none the less. I'll reveal more about that tomorrow because it has to do with tomorrow's letter of the day.

J is for Julie & Julia
The book, the movie, the authors Julie Powell and Julia Child, all of which have had a profoundly positive impact on me.

Julia Child = I like her life. I like her writing. I like her recipes.
Please excuse shotty iPhone photo.

Julie Powell = I like her project. I like her tenacity. I like her success.
From left to right: my illustration for Julie & Julia, and the actual cover of Julie & Julia.

Julie & Julia = I liked the book, but I like the movie more. See the movie, skip the book. Maybe you should read the blog instead...

J is for journalism.
Read my article here.

J is for Mr. Wonderful's first name.
I'll reveal it one of these days, but for now I'll still call him Mr. Wonderful.

J is for Jeff
Musician Jeff Tweedy of Wilco turns 42 today. Happy Birthday!

J is for journey.
It's all part of my big announcement, which I will reveal later this week.

In the meantime have a Joyful day.
How will J inspire you today?


  1. Welcome back. Just wanted to say I agree with the Julie and Julia analysis. Cook the food and see the movie.

    My J for today: je t'aime Paris
