July 6, 2009

Photo Assignments

I've been participating in Smarts & Crafts' Thursday Photo Assignment. The assignment from last week was light, and I had a hard time selecting which one I wanted to use...

There was this one from a birthday dinner at Shin Sei.
this one from Murray Lofts
this one from a photographer's pool party, (even though she wasn't there).
this one, and
this one from CentralTrak.

But, I get by with a little help from my friends, and they helped me select the one I submitted:

View the rest of the photos here.

This Thursday's assignment is water, and I have nothing to submit so far, but it's still early in the week.

The New York Times also has a photo assignment Living With Less, where readers can submit their photos as they "picture the recession." It's a creative way to document the change that is happening in this country. Check it out, it's creative and informative.

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