June 30, 2009

'Scuse Me, While I Kiss the Sky!

Wheeeeeeee! I'm so happy! I finished my developmental psychology class which means, school's out for summer, baby!
I didn't have to take the class, but I am so glad I did. It was very informative, interesting and will definitely help me in life and in my work. It also means that I finished my prerequisites to apply for a graduate program in Art Therapy. I still haven't decided if that's what I'll do, but I have some time to think about it, and it's nice to know that it's done in case I decide that is what I want to do.

Here is the cover of my Developmental Psychology book.

And, for vanity and cover comparisons, here I am on the cover of a Psychology of Women text book.

This picture was taken when I was 16 years old, and yes, that's really me.
(On the left.) This book is out of print, my face littering a landfill somewhere.
It sure would be great to get my hands on a couple of copies...

1 comment:

  1. Wow..I had to look at the big picture of it, but it really is you! who is the other lady? you're famous ;).
