June 10, 2009

Busy Bee

I've been TCB:
Baking and making cakes,
Applying for jobs,
Working on a class for summer school,
Going through things at my mom's house,
Helping my family,


Last Monday, I went to volunteer at the county jail with the group Resolana.

We made little books. Here's my book.

I didn't really know what I was doing when I started, but I just took a pen and went to work.

And then the two hours were up...

We shared our stories. I walked out feeling humbled, thankful for what I have.

I walked out.

Click here for a great article on Resolana from May 1, 2009 and the Dallas Morning News.

I'm working with a pinched nerve, and it hurts BAD! But, today is the day to make cookies. I unearthed 10 lbs. of good, usable sugar and two bags of Ghirardelli chocolate chips. I'm excited! Which recipe will I make today?

Ain't life so sweet?

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