April 16, 2009

Cowboy Culture

Only 5 more weeks of school!
We are starting our final unit of cultures this week: Cowboys!

Yee haw!

When I first started at my school, I was so excited to work with a curriculum that focused on multiculturalism. Our director wrote a book with some others on this subject.
For more information, click here.
She then told me about the problems she had with the publisher about the last unit in the book: cowboys. They didn't really consider that a culture. To which she responded, "Excuse me! Cowboy IS a culture. It's MY culture!"
I love that story, and with my being from Texas, I can totally relate.

We are starting with Texas flags this week. I love the simplicity of the Texas flag. This will be a good chance to teach the kids colors: red and blue. And also: top, bottom and middle. Today we'll make 'em out of construction paper. Tomorrow, we'll paint 'em.

Remember this?

Skirt shot in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico...

Texas, our Texas, all hail the mighty state
Texas, our Texas, so wonderful so great!

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