March 17, 2009

I'm not Irish...

Happy St. Patrick's Day! 
I am happy to report that I have a green skirt on and the weather is gorgeous! I've already worn my green pants, but they are covered in flour... Why, you may ask?

I am trying my hand at making cinnamon rolls for the 2nd time this week, because my first batch was a disaster. Actually, they weren't that bad. I made some mistakes, but that won't happen again. That's one good thing about me: I learn my lessons pretty quickly.
I got a few recipes from my friends, because I don't own a cookbook. I got rid of them all before my move to Mexico... Anyway, this first recipe came from the a blog called Jamie's Recipes, and this was the picture that enticed me to try it.

Can you see why I wanted to try it?

I don't have a bread machine, (yup, got rid of that too before the move,) and the recipe gave directions for a bread machine. 
And,  I added 2 TEAspoons of yeast instead of 2 TABLEspoons. 
The result looked like this:
They weren't bad, but they weren't great either. Another factor could have been that organic tofu pudding mix I added, but the recipe didn't say what brand of instant pudding to try!

Another good thing about me is that I am tenacious. I don't give up too easily, so I am trying another recipe again this morning, and I'm happy to report:  so far so good.
My dough is rising and I am about to make the filling.
This recipe is from a blog called The Way The Cookie Crumbles, though they don't look as delicious.
Ah, the power of photography.

Of course, I did see these this morning at the grocery store. Yeah, I thought about getting them...
But what fun would that be?

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